My First Blog


My name is Tricia Cunningham and this is my first blog.  I'll be learning about blogging as I go along, so stick around, if only to see if I improve.

My blogs will be aimed at anyone with an interest in interiors.  I'm hoping to engage, inspire and encourage - might as well aim high.

Just so you know where I'm coming from, I'm going to use this first blog to give you some relevant background information on me and my business.  Don't worry, future blogs will not be all about me!

I spent most of my spare time in the nineties looking round antiques shops and markets and doing courses in furniture restoration and painting, and upholstery.  I discovered that I lacked any special talent in those areas but I did have something of an eye for picking out lovely antiques that would work well in people's homes.  With the rashness of youth, I gave up a job I loved and became an antique dealer.

I came up with a name that I thought was fun and slightly intriguing:  Kitty Fisher's Finds.  It stems from the nursery rhyme, Lucy Lockett lost her pocket, Kitty Fisher found it, not a penny in her pocket, but a ribbon round it.  I thought, I go out and find things and it has a bit of a ring to it - it made perfect sense to me anyway.

I sourced all my stock in France and Belgium as I love French styles and got into some of the Italian styles beloved of the French.  For the first five years, I did my selling at antiques fairs and in antiques centres in the North of England.

In 2003 I opened my little shop in Didsbury, Manchester from where I branched out into interior design.  In 2006 I moved to a rather bigger shop in Altrincham, Cheshire.  I loved having the shops but after four years there I decided I really wanted to be able to spend more of my time on my interior design projects.   I moved to my current showroom which is only open on request and is a lot easier to keep on top of.

So now you are up to speed.  Here are some images of the two shops to give you a flavour of what they were like.

Bye for now,

Altrincham Shop FrontAltrincham Shop Interior Armoire in Window
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